The CRAIC on Tuesday, April 1, 2014
There is nothing whatsoever happening today – honest! Ah no – fooled you there.
9am: The Galway City Enterprise Board is holding a seminar entitled ‘Building a Brand for Your Business’ at their premises in Woodquay.
10am: If you want to learn all about cakes, a Cotton and Crumbs workshop takes place at Unit 9, Centrepoint, at the Liosban Industrial Estate today to teach you about brush embroidery and peony skills.
12pm: A Beginners Guide to Google Analytics takes place at the Galway City Enterprise Board, Woodquay.
1pm: For a musical lunchtime treat head to Lunchtime@ the Galway City Library with the Contempo Quartet.
8pm: Coiscéim presents Duets at the Town Hall Theatre – an evening of unforgettable storytelling by the dance group.
11pm: It’s time for the ever popular Silent Disco at the Roisin Dubh.