The CRAIC on Tuesday, April 8th, 2014
10am: An Active Retirement Ireland Trade and Tourism Show takes place at the Radisson Blu hotel.11am: The Carraroe library plays host to children’s writers Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin and Ailbhe NicGiolla Bhrighde as part of Cúirt.
11am: There is Bear presents Shakepeare’s The Merchant of Venice at the Aula Maxima, NUIG. Shows again at 6pm.
1pm: The Galway heat of the Brave New Words School’s Poetry Slam takes place at the Town Hall Theatre.6pm: Noir by Noir West presents new short fiction by 30 of Ireland’s top writers at Kenny’s Bookshop.
7pm: Displaced Colombian small farmer, Viany García and coffee producer, Nelly Cuadros will host a public talk at Club Aras na nGael on Dominick Street as part of Galway’s Latin America Festival.
7:30pm: A table quiz in aid of Jigsaw Galway takes place at the Menlo Park Hotel.
8pm: Drop in Blues dance classes take place every Tuesday at De Burgos, Augustine Street.
8pm: Catch the award winning Stones in His Pockets at the Black Box Theatre.
8pm: Bare Bodkin Theatre presents The Great Hunger by Patrick Kavanagh at the Town Hall Theatre.
8pm: Galway City Arts Officer, James Harrold, will launch the Galway Review 2 anthology at the Dail Bar.
8pm: The Galway Community Theatre presents The Monster in the Hall at the Nun’s Island Theatre.