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The CRAIC on Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

9am: The Galway Enterprise Centre will hold a workshop, YouTube for Business, at their premises in Woodquay.

2pm: Students from the Trading Faces Stage School will perform Fiddler on the Roof and Bugsy Malone this week at the Town Hall Theatre. Show time again at 7pm.

5pm: A two day training programme, Putting the Pieces Together, takes place at Jigsaw Galway, Fairgreen Road, to help those working with young people on the subject of drugs and alcohol.

6pm: Leading voice coach to the stars, Poll Moussoulides, will lead a free voice workshop at the Radisson Blu hotel to celebrate World Voice Day. Organised by the Irish Voice Association, Poll has worked with the likes of Mia Farrow, Martin Sheen, Jon Voight, Whoopi Goldberg, Elijah Wood, Anjelica Huston, Angela Lansbury and Pierce Brosnan among others to be vocally healthy, confident and engaging.

8pm: Drop in Blues dance classes take place every Tuesday at De Burgos, Augustine Street, with social dancing afterwards from

9pm. No partner or experience needed.

11pm: It’s time for the ever popular Silent Disco at the Roisin Dubh.

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