Marketing: A love affair between OFFline and ONline
Marketing: A love affair between OFFline and ONline
ONLINE Marketing in Galway (OMiG) 2014 5 awards and 2 bonus awards:
Best Email - Topform
Best Blog - Spellbinding Music
Best Social Media -
Best Website - Pocket Anatomy
Best Start Up - Mindful Movements
Peoples Choice - The Dough Bros
Online Marketing Leadership - Kinlay Hostel
Congratulation to awarded and to all nominees and to everyone from over 200 busineess who entered the awards, especialy our CRAICing fashion editor Rebecca Casserly nominated in three categories: Best Blog, Marketing Leadership and the People's Choice with her blog
The CRAIC in Galway is here to help you promote your great businisses online and offline around the city, county and around the world!
Photo by Darius IVAN,