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The CRAIC on Tuesday November 18th, 2014

*SN Mhuire Gan Smal Creagh, Ballinasloe, will receive a Yellow Flag award today for promoting inclusion and celebrating diversity, while Gaelscoil Riabhach, Co Galway will also renew their Yellow Flag award.

10am: Capones on Kingston Road, Knocknacarra are celebrating four years with a coffee morning in aid of Movember, kids’ entertainment, a resident jazz band at 7pm featuring Paul O’Driscoll and of course, pizza!

7pm: Online Marketing in Galway (OMiG) are hosting a seminar in the Harbour hotel with guest speakers, Niall Harbison, author of Get Shit Done, founder of Lovin Dublin, co-founder of Simpley Zesty and Cormac Folan, Social Media Advertising Manager of Paddy Power.

7pm: NUI Galway’s School of Nursing and Midwifery is running a free public lecture on Ebola: how it spreads, how it affects the human body, and how the outbreak can be contained in Áras Moyola, The lecture will also focus on hand washing and its importance in preventing the spread of infections in the community.

9pm: An open mic night takes place at The Western hotel on Prospect Hill.

8pm: Enjoy live jazz at Rouge restaurant on Dominick Street with Mike Corbett on piano and Keith McDonald on trumpet.

8pm: The Galway Flower and Garden club are welcoming everyone to a night at the Westwood hotel for a gala Christmas demonstration.

9:30pm: Catch Sean Galvin with friends and dancers for a great night of trad and dancing at Barr an Chaladh, Woodquay, all musicians welcome.

9:30pm: A trad session takes place at the Crane bar on Sea Road with John O’Halloran and Mick Crehan.

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