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Psychic Poppy - April

April Guidance Scopes

Find out what's in store with the Craic in Galway's Psychic Poppy!


The guidance this month comes from the animals and fairy tale origin spirits of the “Oracle of the Shape shifters” deck. These guides tell it like it is and are very spiritual.

Aries : Poe’s Brave Flight

Well my rams. It is very clear that you will not let fear stop you this time! You are being offered a chance to go outside of your comfort zone, to do something different. Instead of over-analysing it, the fairy Poe suggests that you just go ahead and take flight! A message will come via email/letter or in person. It will be up to you how you respond or indeed if you decide to ignore it. It could be a trip or a new experience. What is certain is that your life is too controlled. You are in danger of suffocating in safety! You must let uncertainty and risk enter. Take the chance and discover new things! The excitement will be worth the risk!

Taurus: Butterflies in Gloom

As the caterpillar must emerge out of the darkness to become a butterfly, so must you. You seem to have become used to things being gloomy and so have taken on a pessimistic mindset. Enough now! The butterfly is here to guide you out of the dark place that you are in. The darkness has been a resting place for you. Now it is time to move into the light and be sociable for a time. You will always have this safe place to return to, but now it is time to move towards the sun. It is time to show the universe that you are embracing hope, no matter how sad you have felt recently. Take some time and play a while. There is hope, peace and happiness in the world for you.

Gemini : Little Red Riding Hood

The strong girl on this card often speaks to those who have been treated with great injustice. Yes, you have been a victim. But not anymore. Now you are strong and you know that you are not the sum total of a bad experience. Take time to mend any fences that you might have broken yourself. Take self defence classes. Keep your home safe. On an energetic level, keep respectful boundaries with people. Have respect for yourself. Don’t allow re-entry to your life to anyone who has violated your boundaries or trust. Don’t blame anyone else for your experiences. You are responsible for your own life now. Take a stand, make a decision and stick to it.

Cancer : Snake Princess

This is a time of healing for you. The snake has been given a bad reputation. It is a shame as the snake is life itself, a symbol of healing, gut instinct and ancient wisdom. You have great intuition and have the ability to be in tune with the world around you and connect to spirit. Please consider exploring these gifts as it could bring forth a lot of new knowledge and ideas for you. Consider reading about the old ways such as the oracles of Delphi, the Celts and other ancient cultures. Consider taking up a form of dance such as belly dancing or energetic dance. You are worthy enough.

Leo: Miss Spider Web

It’s time to re-evaluate your connections as well as the value of where and with whom you network. You will soon shift your focus of communication to a place where you can thrive and grow. Be smart and make an effort in the right places, by speaking to those who can help you. You need to take action and initiate this, instead of waiting for someone to come along. Become interactive and active. There will be new connections and technologies in your life. Weave your web wisely! Rebuild social networks. Close down websites or step away from social networking sites for a time to avoid becoming stuck in the same situations.

Virgo: Artemis of the Forest

It’s time to go back to basics for a time. Go without luxuries and the support of others. You need to get back to believing in yourself. You don’t need others to survive. You can provide for yourself and still remain loyal, gentle and free like the huntress Artemis herself. It’s time to strip back everything you think you know. Look at the fundamental things of your life: Who or what provides them, such as water, shelter and food. It is time to look at how to do these things for yourself if you don’t already. It will be empowering and will bring the right people into your life.

Libra: Orca Whale Magic

Whales are magical beings. You have a strong connection to the stars. It is time to consider reading about ancient civilisations. Humans, animals and plants are all part of web. Whales are strongly connected to this. Receive their message by listening to their song. Go outside at night and gaze at the night sky. Learn of the constellations you can view from your home. Tune in...and ask for guidance in healthful ways. Listening to whale song may also heal any physical ailments that you have. Find a recording on a cd.

Saggitarius: The Dragonling Garden

You have claimed your place in the world, reborn but stronger. You have learned many lessons. Now it is time to consider the connection to others. The “We” instead of the “me”. Don’t fear that you’ll lose yourself again if you think of others. You are stronger now and know your own boundaries. It’s time to choose something bigger than yourself. Forget the petty complaints and worries and simply do kind things. You are being guarded so all you have to do is live well, be kind and serve something greater than yourself. When you live in the present and do this, miracles occur. The old life will fall away. The right people will stay and you will stop hearing from the wrong ones. You will be free.

Scorpio: Elizabeth and the lion

So, it seems like the time is coming for you to make a stirring speech, manage a troubled group of people and manage with few resources! But, you are a leader like Queen Elizabeth the first. Don’t forget that. You will triumph if you remember the blood that flows through you has courage and staying power. Nothing will make you back down. It is important that you dress and look the part – “Fake it ‘til you make it!”. There are people and/or animals who rely on your example to promote a worthy cause. You will be promoted and with this comes great responsibility. You are up for a challenge. You are a show that you can be a great one!

Capricorn: Raised by Wolves

At the moment, you might need some space. You find your true family away from people right now, more with animals. However, like the wolf, you need a clan. This is a rich and varied social time for you with lots of activities and your individuality is respected within a group. It’s not a time to be alone even though you need a little bit of “me” time occasionally. Soon your circumstances will change. Your boundaries are strong though and you are very safe. Your peace of mind is growing. Take walks in nature and know that the time to move will come soon. You have found a new and solid group of kin who are there for you. Take advantage of this “time out” to nap, laugh and play and recover while you heal.

Aquarius: Phoenix of the waning moon

Something is about to end for now...and that is okay. We must all learn how to let something end. Sometimes this is a hard concept for humans to grasp. You are reluctant to see such an ending now. You may feel like you have been cheated out of something or want it to last longer. The truth is that it must die in order to be reborn into something better. Something must end for the new to enter life. It might be a relationship, a place of work, a friendship or the death of a loved one. Whatever it is...let it go. It will return. This is your chance to learn something very profound and important. Do not miss the chance by resisting what must take place.

Pisces: The Faery Ring

Learning new skills, advancing in your talents is possible. You are likely to do a course of study and gain true solid credentials in a field you are looking at longingly. There will be an examination and a test. This could be a college exam or an interview. You must update and refresh your existing skills as things are changing and will always be changing. This will excite you and you will discover joy and purpose in learning new skills. The course may be to do with holistic health, energy healing, environmentalism or finances. Be flexible and adapt yourself to improving in these areas and your life will improve. Train, work hard and hold your head high! You will soon have a chance to demonstrate just why these new skills are so vital and important to many more than just you!

"Oracle of the Shapeshifters" by Lucy Cavendish with artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith.

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