The CRAIC on Wednesday, July 5th, 2015
10:30 am: A Dog Agility European Handling Workshop with John Bowe takes place at theLiosban Industrial Estate.11am: The 23rd Annual Maam Cross Connemara Pony and Livestock Show takes place today at Maam Cross Mart with classes for Connemara Ponies, Cattle, Sheep and Dogs.11am: The Claregalway Garden Festival continues today at Claregalway castle. All gate profits go to the Galway Simon Community, CBM Ireland and Claregalway Day Care Centre.12pm: Head to Busker Brownes on Cross Street for the best jazz brunch in town with theGalway Bay Jazz Band.12:30pm: Féile Traidphicnic An Spidéal continues today with workshops, gigs and lots more taking place in Spiddal. 3pm: Robert Gogan continues his bookshop tour of Ireland with his very entertaining 70 minute show, Strolling Through Ulysses, at the Clifden Bookshop. 6pm: Sheer Model Management will host a Fashion Weekend at the College Bar, NUI Galway.6pm: Wind down the weekend with the Lazy Blues Trio at Seven on Bridge Street.9pm: Enjoy a great night out with Trad on the Prom at the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill. Midnight: Wind down the weekend with 4 Men and a Bass playing in the backstage bar at Monroe’s Live on Dominick Street.